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DID YOU KNOW? WBGU-PBS provided 69 professional development workshops for 3400 educators in 2024.

WBGU-PBS » About Us


More than a Television Station!!

Since 1964, WBGU-PBS, has been an active part of the communities it serves – working with residents to make Northwest and West Central Ohio a better place to live and work. With more than 3,000 members, WBGU-PBS is a true community asset and lifelong learning resource.

One thing that sets WBGU-PBS apart from other commercial stations is its educational workshops offered throughout the 19-county broadcast area. These workshops are designed for childcare professionals, educators, parents and grandparents drawing on the long-time educational expertise of PBS. WBGU-PBS also has a strong commitment to producing quality local content, not only for its own station, but also for other local companies and organizations. WBGU-PBS offers production services through its studios at the Tucker Center for Telecommunications adjacent to the Bowling Green State University campus.

For WBGU-PBS to serve its viewers, it must be a "mirror" reflecting accurately the full diversity of the population. Differences in age, race, gender, religion, workplace, ethnic origin, sexual orientation and socioeconomic status are recognized, appreciated and served through the various productions of WBGU-PBS and its PBS affiliate. WBGU-PBS reaches out to the community, striving to make programming and other services that enhance life! For example, youngsters learn to treat one another fairly; students discover the wonders of science; and adults find help with hobbies. In addition, everyone learns about their community and the worldwide events that affect us all. WBGU-PBS' local programs and documentaries are designed to broaden knowledge and meet the specific needs of viewers whether that be education, entertainment or a combination of both.

WBGU-PBS constantly seeks ideas about local issues as a way to provide programming that most interests viewers. 
To share ideas or concerns, viewers are encouraged to contact the station:

Call: (419)372-2700
Write: 245 Troup Ave., Bowling Green OH 43403


WBGU-PBS Administration:
Tina Simon - General Manager 
Tom Cummings - Assistant General Manager, Production & Engineering
Steve Kendall - Director of Media Acquisition, Distribution and Storage


Happy 60th Anniversary WBGU-PBS!

Established in 1964, and still going strong 6 decades later! We have countless people to thank for hitting this milestone - Including you, Thank you!


WBGU-PBS signed-on for the first time, Monday, Feb. 10, 1964. Since then, WBGU-PBS has grown from a small studio in South Hall on the BGSU campus to a thriving production studio ready to meet the technological challenges of today’s communications industry.

When it first went on the air, WBGU-PBS only broadcast for a couple of hours in the late afternoon and early evening. Now, the station has a full 24-hour programming day, with a schedule packed with programs that entertain, educate and inform. WBGU-PBS also supports two additional “sub” channels – WBGU-TV Encore and CREATE with an emphasis on programs devoted to cooking, travel, woodworking, art and hobbies. Not only can viewers access these channels on air, the station's main channel also is available for live streaming via its station website using any mobile device – phone, laptop, computer or tablet. WBGU-PBS also offers an array of digital programming through its YouTube channel and other social media channels.

Throughout the years, WBGU-PBS has produced an array of local programming including several half-hour series and long form documentaries. Currently, the station produces several signature local productions including "The Journal," a local public affairs talk show; "BGSU Brain Game," a high school academic competition; "WBGU Cooks," a local cooking show; and "The American Woodshop," a nationally distributed woodworking program.


On Friday, May 6, 1994, The Bowling Green State University Board of Trustees named the building that houses the university's public television station "The Tucker Center for Telecommunications" in honor of Dr. Duane and Margaret Tucker. The Tuckers were instrumental in establishing WBGU-PBS and The Northwest Ohio Educational Technology Foundation (NWOET) which serves elementary and secondary schools throughout the area. A formal dedication ceremony took place Saturday, October 8, 1994. Duane Tucker began his career at BGSU in 1959 as the first head of the radio/TV/film department. He instituted the university's closed-circuit instructional television system in 1963. In 1964, in association with Vice President Dr. Kenneth McFall, Tucker initiated WBGU-PBS, which quickly established itself as one of the country's most respected educational television operations.

The progression of WBGU-PBS from a 10,000-watt, black and white station to a 1 million-watt, color, stereo operation happened under Tucker's leadership of more than 25 years. The station now serves 19 Northwest and West central Ohio counties. WBGU-PBS has produced numerous programs that have gained international play and accolades. In addition to his accomplishments on behalf of WBGU-PBS, Tucker was instrumental in the planning and design of the Ohio Educational Broadcasting Network and served as president of the Ohio Educational Television Affiliates.

Margaret Tucker also significantly contributed to the accomplishments of WBGU-PBS. She served as director of the Northwest Ohio Educational Technology Foundation (NWOET) and built the foundation from one that served a few area schools to one that serves approximately 140 school systems and more than 150,000 students with educational television programs, a video library and computer/allied technology services training. She served on the All-Ohio School Board and received numerous awards including the Ohio Educational Broadcasting Commissioners' Award as well as awards from the Central Educational Network for "News 6," a news program produced by area sixth graders; and for her series "Knowing About Growing."

Margaret and Dr. Duane Tucker
WBGU-PBS outside of building
WBGU-PBS front door