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Quote of the day: “The only thing that really scares me about Halloween is running out of candy.”- Melanie White

WBGU-PBS » Public Advisory Council for Television (PACT) Board

PACT board and staff members during a Zoom meeting

PACT Board Members attend a video conference call.

Logo for the PACT board Public Advisory Council for Television

Consistent with its operating rules and bylaws, Public Advisory Council for Television (PACT) meetings are open to the public, and public comment is solicited. Meetings are scheduled quarterly (see below). To learn more about WBGU-PBS PACT, please contact Lindsay Miller, director of Development and Community Engagement/PACT liaison.

PACT Meetings:
Thursday, November 14, 2024 - In-person at WBGU-PBS, 9-10:30 am 

Thursday, February 13, 2025 - In-person at WBGU-PBS, 9-10:30 am 

Thursday, May 15, 2025 - In-person at WBGU-PBS, 9-10:30 am

WBGU-PBS employs an open meeting policy whereby interested members of the public are welcome to attend. PACT invites the public and community groups to provide feedback on station programming. Additionally, PACT aims to inform the station’s program development by providing opportunities for community organizations and groups to present and discuss concerns from their constituents. You may send questions or concerns to PACT at any time to Comments received will be forwarded to the PACT president. Management will ensure that your message is presented to PACT at its next regular meeting. PACT may include your issue or comments as an agenda item at an upcoming meeting. You will be notified via email at the disposition of your issue.

PACT members seek to assist WBGU-PBS in fulfilling its goal to inform, inspire, educate and entertain its viewers by presenting distinctive television programming for diverse audiences throughout Northwest and West Central Ohio, the region and the nation. PACT members try to discern and communicate emerging needs of various publics to station management, monitor and evaluate public television programs and content, and give voice to under-served segments of the Northwest and West Central Ohio community.

The individuals listed here volunteer their time to help ensure your locally-owned and operated public television station continues to provide you with the best in quality programming and educational services:

PACT Members - Fiscal Year 2025

Judy Ennis - President
Pat McCauley - Vice President
Neil McCabe
Bart Mills
John Myles
William Pixler
Greg Phipps
Glenn Rettig
Beth Reynolds
Scott Scherf
Steve Schuler
Sylvia Umbles
Cristy Walton
Scott Younger

The individuals listed below attend meetings on behalf of WBGU-PBS:

WBGU-PBS Representatives:

Tina Simon - General Manager
Tom Cummings - Assistant General Manager, Production & Engineering
Steve Kendall - Director of Media Acquisition, Distribution and Storage
Lindsay Miller - Director of Development and Community Engagement, PACT Liaison
Kelly Pheneger - Director of Education and Outreach
Lori Wilt - Marketing/Communications Specialist

Recruitment Process and Selection of PACT Members:

The Public Advisory Council for Television (PACT) operates independently of WBGU-PBS' management and its board of trustees (Bowling Green State University Trustees) and has no operational or day-to-day role in finance, personnel, programming, or in any other matter. PACT’s independence ensures objectivity in its advisement of WBGU-PBS.

PACT's function is to review the WBGU-PBS’ programming goals, services, and significant policy decisions. PACT also serves as a vehicle for the community to effectively provide input to WBGU-PBS and advises WBGU-PBS with respect to whether the programming and other policies are meeting the education and cultural needs of the communities served.

PACT meets four times a year to discuss and plan initiatives related to the review of the station’s programming goals, the services provided by the station, and any significant policy decisions made by the station. PACT members must be actively engaged in PACT initiatives. This includes attending scheduled meetings, productively contributing to discussions and planning sessions, and taking ownership of assignments as needed.

Any member who is not a paid staff member or member of the WBGU-PBS board of trustees (Bowling Green State University Trustees), can apply to serve on PACT. To be considered, please submit your resume to and a staff member will follow-up.PACT accepts and reviews all applications on an annual basis, and final candidates are selected and notified. Please note, generally, there are more applicants than openings, and final candidates are selected based on a number of factors to ascertain diverse representation in accordance with the Communications Act and funding requirements of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

Public Advisory Council for Television Policies:

The Public Advisory Council for Television (PACT) shall assist WBGU-PBS in fulfilling its mission to inform and educate its audience by providing programming for the Northwest and West Central Ohio area. PACT shall be representative of the diverse constituencies within the Northwest and West Central Ohio area, monitoring and evaluating programs, giving voice to under-served segments of the community, serving as a sounding board for ideas presented by WBGU-PBS staff and bringing issues of community concern to the attention of station management.

Pursuant to the provisions of the Federal Communications Act governing the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), PACT shall advise the WBGU-PBS board of trustees (Bowling Green State University Trustees) with respect to whether programming and other policies of WBGU-PBS meet the specialized educational and cultural needs of Northwest and West Central Ohio, and may make such recommendations as it considers appropriate to meet such needs. As part of this advisement, PACT shall be permitted to review and assess WBGU-PBS programming goals, community service activities, and the impact on the community of significant policy decisions rendered by WBGU-PBS. PACT deliberates independently of station management and the board of directors, determining its own agenda and electing its own leadership. PACT is an advisory body only, and is not authorized to exercise any control over WBGU-PBS daily management or operations. PACT conveys its findings and recommendations based on public input to the Board of Directors on an annual basis, if warranted.

PACT shall be a diverse group with regard to race, gender, age, ethnicity, and community of residence. PACT members shall be members of WBGU-PBS at the time of their application and for the duration of their service. PACT shall consist of a minimum of 10 members and a maximum of 24 members. Each member shall serve a three-year term, which may be renewed consecutively twice (for a total of two three-year consecutive terms, or six years). Terms shall be staggered to facilitate the selection of one-third of the members every year. Members shall be recruited from the station viewing area and selected by the PACT. All persons interested in being nominated for membership must complete an application. There shall be no dues or financial expectations (e.g., donations) required of PACT members.

Any PACT member who fails to attend at least two-thirds of the regularly scheduled meetings during a one-year period that coincides with their term commitment shall be deemed no longer a member in good standing and is ineligible to continue as a PACT member. Any member desiring to resign from PACT shall submit a resignation in writing to the PACT president.

PACT shall include officers  – president, vice president and secretary – elected by PACT members. Elections will occur at the start of the annual meeting. The term of office shall be one year in any given position, and individuals are eligible for nomination as an officer after their first full year as a PACT member. For the purposes of electing officers, a simple majority of votes by all seated PACT members shall be required. The duties afforded to the president, vice president and secretary shall be similar to those of an advisory board, and the secretary shall either take minutes at each PACT meeting or appoint a designee to do so.

PACT shall establish its meeting schedule for the upcoming calendar year no later than November 15 of the prior calendar year, and shall provide dates, times and locations to WBGU-PBS staff immediately to assure adequate notice to the public. All PACT meetings shall follow Roberts Rules of Order to the extent such do not conflict with state or federal law. Business may be conducted only if a quorum is present, and a quorum shall consist of a majority of the total PACT membership.