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Quote of the day: “The only thing that really scares me about Halloween is running out of candy.”- Melanie White


Privacy - Diversity - Donor - Political - Community Service Grant

Privacy Policy

We have created this privacy statement to demonstrate our commitment to the privacy of any information you provide to us. This policy discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for this website (, as well as any other Web sites owned or operated by WBGU-PBS.

We will do our very best to ensure the privacy of any identifiable information (such as full name, address, e-mail address, telephone number and/or other identifiable information) you may provide to us.

The support from our individual members and donors is critical to fulfilling WBGU-PBS' mission of community service. WBGU-PBS conducts our fundraising in compliance with nationally established guidelines while ensuring that our member’s trust and faith in us is deserved.

WBGU-PBS maintains lists of names, addresses, giving history, programming interests and other pertinent data for those who have supported us financially or otherwise have indicated an interest in our organization's programming or activities.

WBGU-PBS does not sell or exchange its member or donor lists with any other organization.

On occasion, WBGU-PBS provides its list to vendors who conduct work or an activity for WBGU-PBS. WBGU-PBS requires all vendors to maintain the confidentiality of WBGU-PBS' files and confidential information and to adhere to a policy of not exchanging, selling, or otherwise disclosing the organization's member, donor and underwriter lists.

WBGU-PBS will adhere to all federal, state and local laws.

WBGU-PBS is required to disclose the identity of all donors who provide direct funding for any program produced by WBGU-PBS.

WBGU-PBS may publish a list of members and donors (for example, as part of our Annual Report.) This listing may indicate a monetary range into which each member or donor's gift falls. If you wish to be excluded from any such listing, please e-mail the station.

WBGU-PBS will also comply with the Corporation for Public Broadcasting guidelines for list activities. These guidelines require WBGU-TV to annually certify compliance with laws and regulations of the Internal Revenue Service regarding tax-exempt status, and with all federal laws and regulations governing political activity and lobbying.

WBGU-PBS will not rent or purchase any mailing list that is politically affiliated including, but not limited to, political organizations, campaigns and committees.

We will not collect personally identifiable information from you, other than what you supply to us on a voluntary basis. We may collect certain non-personal information to optimize our Web pages for your computer (i.e., the identity of your Internet browser, the type of operating system you use, your IP address and the domain name of your Internet service provider). We may use such non-personal information for internal purposes, including but not limited to improving the content of our website.

In order to participate in some activities, you might be asked to provide some personally identifiable information. This could be in connection with the following:


  • contest or sweepstakes registration
  • services which require subscription (such as email newsletters)
  • WBGU-PBS membership/support submission
  • content submissions, community postings (i.e., forums, bulletin boards, community events), comments and suggestions or voting


You should recognize that if you choose not to voluntarily submit requested information, you may not be eligible for those activities for which personally identifiable information is needed.

In the event WBGU-PBS wants to collect information for purposes other than those set forth in this policy, WBGU-PBS will notify you when we are collecting personally identifiable information about you and how we intend to use it.

Personally identifiable information that members, donors, viewers and visitors provide to WBGU-PBS or submit to our sites is used only for the purpose for which it is submitted unless we disclose other uses in this Privacy Policy or at the time of collection. Such other uses may include sending our constituents information about WBGU-PBS programs, services, or membership, sending you information or materials we think you will find interesting, or sharing the information with select third party companies or organizations.

WBGU maintains a membership/customer database with the email address, name and postal address, telephone number and other personally identifiable information of persons who have provided such information to WBGU-PBS by mail, telephone or emailing us with questions about membership, submitting an on-line membership contribution (making an on-line pledge) or sending us an email about our programs or services. By supplying WBGU with an email address, telephone number or postal address you may receive future communications from WBGU-PBS via email, telephone or mail. WBGU-PBS will not willfully disclose your personal information to any third party, in adherence to Ohio's public records laws, without first receiving your permission.

Kids Privacy Policy

1. WBGU-PBS KIDS content is screened carefully to ensure quality, educational applications. The WBGU-PBS editorial staff works closely with our producers to guarantee that our sites supply high quality, educational content that goes far beyond the promotion of the companion broadcast program. WBGU-PBS regularly monitors our sites to make sure the content meets our standards. We encourage you to e-mail the station with any suggestions or comments about our content.

2. WBGU-PBS KIDS web sites may contain "links" to other sites, and we select these sites carefully to make sure that, when they are selected, they meet our high standards of decency and integrity. Although we have taken all precautions to ensure that these links meet our standards when they were selected, we cannot guarantee that the sites have not changed since the time they were selected and that they continue to meet our standards. For this and other reasons, all WBGU-PBS KIDS links to outside sites contain a "bridge page" to alert users that they are leaving the WBGU-PBS KIDS web site unless they are traveling to the PBS KIDS site.

3. WBGU-PBS KIDS protects the identity of our visitors by limiting the collection of personal information, with certain clearly noted exceptions. No child's personally identifiable information is ever posted online or shared with third parties unless a parent or guardian has provided written authorization by use of a verified e-mail address, fax or ordinary mail. Personal information may be collected and used by WBGU-PBS and our Affiliate Sites in order to provide our visitors with additional ways of obtaining information (such as e-mail responses from producers or program-related newsletters). Whenever a visitor provides identifiable information, it is always explained how the information will be used; if the visitor does not want this information collected and used by us for disclosed internal purposes, the visitor is given an opportunity to "opt out." Opting-out may mean exclusion from certain activities for which the identifiable information is needed. (For example, if a contest participant elects to "opt-out" on permitting us to collect and use their personal information, we cannot contact that person if they win without obtaining such information.)

4. Information promoting the sale or availability of program-related or non-program-related goods and services may not be included on WBGU-PBS KIDS web sites on WBGU-PBS. Exceptions to this rule may be made by WBGU-PBS in special cases for designed instructional material offered at no or nominal cost.

Acceptance of WBGU's Privacy Policy
By using this site, you signify your agreement to the terms and conditions of this WBGU-PBS Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, please do not use the site. We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to change, modify, add, or remove portions of this policy at any time. Please check this page periodically for any changes. Your continued use of WBGU-PBS following the posting of any changes to these terms shall mean that you have accepted those changes. If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail the station.

Diversity Policy & Statement

WBGU-PBS knows that a diverse workforce, management team, and community advisory board (PACT) contribute greatly to our knowledge and understanding of Northwest and West Central Ohio’s diverse communities, and to our ability to deliver content and services that will help us attract, grow and engage audiences and help them to achieve their full potential. We endeavor to recruit from a broad pool of candidates enabling us to hire and promote qualified candidates with a variety of cultural and ethnic backgrounds, personal experiences and characteristics, and talents that reasonably reflect the diverse needs and interests of the communities served by WBGU-PBS.

As of October 2022, WBGU-PBS employs 10 full time white women, 1 Latino male, 1 Latina female and 5 white males. The station hired a Producer/Director and a Business/Member Services Coordinator in 2022. Our PACT board is made up of 4 white females and 9 white males. Our goal is to expand our PACT board to include individuals with a variety of cultural and ethnic backgrounds as current members complete their term of service and rotate off the board.

Our student employee makeup is diverse and ever-changing as employment varies by semester. We strive to employ students with a variety of cultural and ethnic backgrounds at WBGU-PBS.

WBGU-PBS will continue to explore new opportunities for achieving and promoting this diversity and to monitor and evaluate our success. The means WBGU-PBS will always meet the standards of federal and state law, WBGU-PBS' Equal Employment Opportunity Policy, and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting’s Diversity Eligibility Criteria.

For more information on WBGU-PBS' EEO Outreach and EEO Activities, please visit PBS' online public file. For more information on WBGU-PBS' Diversity Policy, please read our Annual Diversity Report

Donor Bill of Rights
Each nonprofit organization holds a public trust to improve the quality of life. Likewise, philanthropy is based on voluntary action for the common good. It is a tradition of giving and sharing that is primary to the quality of life. To assure that philanthropy merits the respect and trust of the general public, and that donors and prospective donors can have full confidence in the not-for-profit organizations and causes they are asked to support, WBGU-TV accepts several guiding principles that all donors have the right to:

  • Be informed of WBGU-PBS' mission, of the way WBGU-PBS intends to use donated resources, and of its capacity to use donations effectively for their intended purposes.
  • Be informed of the identity of those serving on the WBGU-PBS governing board and to expect the board to exercise prudent judgment in its stewardship responsibilities.
  • Have access to WBGU-PBS' most recent financial statements.
  • Be assured their gifts will be used for the purposes for which they were given.
  • Receive appropriate acknowledgment and recognition.
  • Be assured that information about their donations is handled with respect and with confidentiality to the extent provided by law.
  • Be assured that privileged or confidential information about themselves and their giving will not be disclosed to unauthorized parties outside of WBGU-PBS.
  • Expect that all relationships with individuals representing organizations of interest to the donor will be professional in nature.
  • Be informed whether those seeking donations are volunteers, employees of the organization or hired solicitors.
  • Feel free to ask questions when making a donation and to receive prompt, truthful and forthright answers.
  • Ensure that all solicitation materials are accurate and correctly reflect WBGU-PBS' mission and use of solicited funds.
  • Receive informed, accurate and ethical advice about the value and tax implication of potential gifts.
  • Give their consent before WBGU-PBS might alter the conditions of a gift.
  • Know that their names will not be sold, rented, leased, traded, loaned, donated, transferred or exchanged from WBGU-PBS donor lists.
  • Know with confidence that WBGU-PBS will use accurate and consistent generally accepted accounting methods that conform to the appropriate guidelines adopted by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB).


We allow our donors the opportunity to opt-out of receiving communications from us. You may also update your contact information previously provided to us. You cannot remove yourself from our database, but you can prevent unwanted communication. To update your information or to request limited communication from us, e-mail the station.

Political Candidates

WBGU-PBS does not sell commercial time of any kind, including time to candidates for public office, and does not sell, rent, give or exchange a member or donor name to, with or from any candidate for public office, committees or organizations supporting a candidate, political parties, or organizations that solicit funds for use in political campaigns for any purpose.

CSG Fund Policy
It is WBGU-PBS’ policy to expend Community Service Grant (CSG) funds in accordance with the requirements of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and generally accepted accounting principles. Under current CPB policy, WBGU-PBS can use CSG funds for one of seven categories of expenses:

1. Programming and Production;
2. Broadcasting, Transmission and Distribution;
3. Program Information and Promotion;
4. Fundraising and Membership Development;
5. Underwriting and Grant Solicitation;
6. Management and General; and
7. Purchase, Rehabilitation or Improvement of Capital Assets.

This policy applies to all WBGU-PBS staff and board members, who may oversee, expend or account for WBGU-PBS' CSG funds.

Specific expenditures allowed under this policy are as follows:

1. Programming, Production and Services

  • Fees or dues to acquire broadcast rights for programs or series or rights to use or adapt published materials
  • Program or web content planning and research (script writing, printing, and consulting)
  • Directors, producers, cast, stagehands, engineers, technicians, and other personnel involved
  • Rental of facilities or production equipment
  • Space, supplies, and other station resources used
  • Repair and maintenance of programming and production equipment
  • Depreciation and amortization of station equipment and leasehold improvements used


2. Broadcasting, Transmission and Distribution

  • Scheduling programs for airing
  • Repair and maintenance of broadcasting equipment
  • Depreciation of antennae, transmission, and other broadcasting equipment
  • Distribution and interconnection fees
  • Web hosting and streaming fees


3. Program Information and Promotion

  • Producing or acquiring “spots” designed for the promotion of specific programs
  • Materials and related supplies used for promoting programs and services
  • Advertising in newspapers or other media
  • Preparing, reproducing, and distributing program guides
  • Travel and related expenses of promotion
  • Dues or fees related to this function
  • Supporting services


4. Fundraising and Membership Development

  • Solicitation of underwriting funds and grants
  • Membership development
  • Acquiring and distributing fundraising material
  • Designing, printing, and distributing leaflets or posters for fundraising
  • Meetings for improving fundraising techniques
  • Services of fundraising consultants and talent
  • Developing and maintaining contributor records
  • Committee meetings dealing with fundraising policies and issues, including the preparation of minutes and reports of such meetings
  • Program and production costs of broadcast appeals for funds
  • Mailing costs related to fundraising
  • Direct costs of special fundraising activities and auctions


5. Underwriting and Grant Solicitation

6. Management and General

  • Human resource administration, including recruiting, retention, and benefit programs
  • Accounting, auditing, and budgeting
  • Information technology systems and support services, where not specifically devoted to other functions
  • Legal services of a general (non-program) nature
  • All occupancy costs not specifically identifiable with other functions
  • Office functions that provide general support throughout the organization (e.g., corporate receptionists and telephone attendants, central mail services, and maintenance of corporate archives)
  • Maintenance of operations manuals, directors committee lists, and expenses related to governing board, PACT, or administrative committee meetings
  • Depreciation of buildings, furnishings, and equipment used in management and general functions
  • Dues for public broadcasting station membership


7. Purchase, Rehabilitation or Improvement of Capital Assets